Friday, August 20, 2010

When an Aries Man is Openly Flirting....?

My love interest is an Aries man. We haven't told each other anything, but I know he likes me. He always stares and looks away when I see him staring. Well, because he's cute and every woman at work likes him, I'm playing a bit hard to get. Plus, I'm shy too. Eversince things got really obvious, we kind of freeze up around each other. Before we used to be more chatty. Anyhow, I think he wants me to talk to him more, but when I do, he acts all avoidant, like he's losing his ability to, I play cool even more...the whole thing is spiralling out of control....I think he's really tired of me avoiding him too and has started to openly flirt with another woman, even though he freezes around, I know he's still in love with do I make things work? If I open up I feel he'll run away. If I avoid him, I feel he'll explode with anger....I can tell he's angry. What gives?When an Aries Man is Openly Flirting....?
If he can't limit himself to one woman then maybe he's not worth your time anyway.

I don't think your sign, i.e. Aries, has anything to do with what's happening here but each to his own...

And it does not make sense that he can avoid you and yet you can't avoid him. If I were in your situation, I wouldn't let him to do this to me. It's time to either confront him and discuss this situation or move on.When an Aries Man is Openly Flirting....?
mehn not another horoscope crap......pluto is no longer a planet duh!...
Aries are the symbol of ram they ram it in once out oh who r u?
I'm not saying throw yourself at him, but being shy and so-called hard-to-get can get really tired, pretty fast.

You have to be a little friendly, right guys? A little? Dudes don't like it when hard-to-get girls keep this up without throwing them at least a little bone ;-) That's why your dude is moving on seemingly. Flirt a little...or **gasp** grab him for lunch or bite to eat after work--just the 2 of you--and have a REAL CONVERSATION. See where it goes.

Worst you can do is make a real friend and maybe more, or finally learn dude isn't worth the time you spent posting the question. Good luck sis!


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